Sunday 6 November 2011

Penang Komtar : Base Jump

This event photos taken since October 2009. Many photographers are join in this event. At that time i am first yeras old photographer. The lens used canon 24-105mm F4.0 ; 5D Mk 2.

The participant came out from Komtar Dom for the "Penang base jump"opening ceremany. It have almost 20 participant from differences country..

The all base jump participant gather to have the group photos and ready for Base Jump event.

Our new state prime minister on board for the base jump opening ceremany.


Our Malaysia participant carry the national flag during the jump. the wind flow another direction and the participant use a lot of energy to keep his parasuit.

Middy... middy.... crash ...crash....

Steady drop...good balancing ..

The base jumper from India shown his foot mark on wall, Incident just happen and created by him.

This participant really happy and satifyed on the jumps....the hand sign shown us..

The leader shown the wind blow direction to his follower and which direction should jump....

Jump..Jump...and Jump....

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